Angular 1.3.x form validation with bootstrap

February 17th, 2015
  • angular

This post will give you hints on angular 1.3+ form validation.
Angular team has done a great job and brought up some cool improvements in the form handling area. Using bootstrap, managing forms has never been so easy.
Let's take the following form as an example.

The javascript part

As you can see, it is pretty light !

var app = angular.module('main', ['ngMessages', 'toaster']).
controller('FormCtrl', function ($scope, toaster) {
    $scope.person = {};
    $scope.ok = function (valid) {
        if (valid) {
            toaster.pop('success', "Congratulations!", "Your form is successfully submitted !");

Make sure to inject ngMessages module! It was introduced in angular 1.3 and eases validation handling. The key here is in the "valid" argument. Indeed Angular creates a form object and put it in the scope. This objects receives properties like $valid, $invalid, $submitted that you can use in the template as well as in the controller in order to check the state of your form.

The HTML part

I will detail the various parts of the template.

<form name="testForm" ng-submit="ok(testForm.$valid)" novalidate>
  • The name you give to the form will also be used by angular in the scope.
  • We pass the value of $valid to our ok function.
  • The novalidate attribute is required in order to avoid conflicts with angular validation system
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="lastName" required ng-model="person.lastName" ng-minlength="3" ng-maxlength="10" />
  • Don't forget to use name attribute for every input !
  • Here we use html5 required attribute, but we could have used ng-required directive in case an input is required only under certain conditions. Angular has several built-in validation directives (you can find the exhaustive list here, and you can add your own (it will be the subject of a future post).
<div ng-if="testForm.$submitted" ng-messages="testForm.lastName.$error">
  • The ng-if directive ensures error messages for this input will not be displayed until form submission, which makes a far better user experience !
  • angular will store input's error messages in the testForm object. Hence the need to give a name to your form as well as to every input
<div ng-message="required" class="text-danger">Required!</div>
<div ng-message="minlength" class="text-danger">This field must be at least 3 chars long!</div>
<div ng-message="maxlength" class="text-danger">This field must be at most 10 chars long!</div>
  • We repeat ng-message directive for every validation directive declared with our inputs. Here we want last name to be mandatory, and be at least 3 chars long and at most 10 chars long.
.ng-submitted .ng-invalid{
    border-color: #a94442;
    border-width: 2px;
  • We added a style in order to display errors
  • .ng-submitted and .ng-invalid are styles appended by Angular during validation proces